Independence House
14a Nelson Street
financial advisers, independent financial advisors, investment, investment advisors, pensions and investment advice, pension planning, financial planning, life assurance advice
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Financial Planning
Financial planning is the process of meeting your life goals through the proper management of your finances.
Financial planning provides direction and meaning to your financial decisions. It allows you to understand how each financial decision you make affects other areas of your finances. For example, buying a particular investment product might help you pay off your debts faster or it might delay your retirement significantly.
The Process
We are happy to offer an initial consultation, free of charge, at our offices, or at your home or office if travelling is difficult for you. During such a meeting we can determine how we can help you and which of our programmes would be most appropriate for you.
The financial planning process consists of six steps that help you take a "big picture" look at where you are financially. Using these six steps, you can work out where you are now, what you may need in the future and what you must do to reach your goals.
The process involves gathering relevant financial information, setting life goals, examining your current financial status and coming up with a strategy or plan for how you can meet your goals given your current situation and future plans.
Regulatory Statement Southgate Financial Services Limited is an appointed representative of Virtual Net (Europe) plc which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Independent financial advice on a fee basis. ... ... ... ...
Trade Bodies / Associations Federation of Small Businesses, Institute of Financial Planning, Association of Christian Financial Advisers, Institute of Directors, Securities & Investment Institute, AIFA, UKSIF